A downloadable game for Windows

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The full version of the game is out on both itch and steam! 

itch: https://rittzler.itch.io/pseudoregalia  steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2365810/Pseudoregalia/


Winner of the Metroidvania Month 19 Jam!!! Thank you so much !!

A post jam update with some map tweaks, bug fixes, and an options menu has been released.


When reality feels like it's falling apart, one might retreat to a world in their dreams to escape it. 

Unfotunately, dreams aren't made to last. 

Explore a perverse image of noble living. Grow strong, and escape this rotten dream.

Average playtime is ~1.5 - 2.5 hours

made in ~3 weeks for the Metroidvania Month 19 Jam.

Programming, Animation, 3d Modeling- rittz
level design- rittz, matt
enemy designs- technicolor-yawn, rittz
textures- rittz, matt
music- potatoteto, pluswplus

sounds- potatoteto & various internet sources

You can buy the ost here, and support the composers directly!


A controller is supported an recommended! If it doesn't work, try replugging it, or maybe running the game thru steam.

Rated 4.8 out of 5 stars
(61 total ratings)
GenrePlatformer, Action
Tags3D Platformer, Fantasy, Metroidvania


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

pseudoregalia_PostJamUpdate.zip 286 MB


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I’m currently trying this game before I attempt the paid version I got on Steam. I now remember how much I hate to wall-kick in games.

Of course, I’m doing this on a keyboard. Maybe I should try a controller and see if that fares any better, but it looks like I’ll be stuck in Sansa Keep for a little while.


Yeah, now I see why Rittz recommends a controller. Wall-kicking is a little bit easier with my Logitech F310, although it’s still difficult in some areas.

This actually is a pretty decent game; too bad the simps have to ruin the experience. 😔

Okay, now I’m a little stuck. What do you do with the black hole looking things?


You get an upgrade where you can hit them with your sword and bounce off them.

is there any way to reduce the sensitivity of the camera even more id also like to know if you can in the paid version

You definitely can in the paid version.

Can you make a file for 32x pls im sad that i cant run the game so pls

what's 32x? 32-bit?

If it can’t run on your system, have you made sure it can run other games made with Unreal Engine 4? If you can, check that your drivers are up to date. If not, maybe your hardware doesn’t meet the minimum specs required to run such games.


seems cool, lots of glowing reviews online of the full game. this jam version I can't get out once I get the wall kick


how do i use my controller on this??


Can we get the full version on itch or GOG? I don't want to give Valve any money.


it will be on itch soon! i was kind of waiting until the next map gets finished but im realizing that was kind of arbitrary and should just throw the current version on steam up here in a moment.

the game freeze and crash continously , i cant even beat the first boss becouse the game crash when the boss appears or attacks!


Thoroughly thoroughly enjoyed this game. I might have broken it?

I have collected four of the big gold keys. And I have found a big gold door with four keyholes. But it's not opening. Is the ending of this game just implied? Is there not supposed to be away to open the door?

I did get some of the keys/upgrades by figuring out how to get out of bounds and then exploring the game map from the outside. Also jumped off of that and fell into blue hell for fun.

Did I screw myself out of beating the game by skipping an event flag somewhere? Should I try a second playthrough but this time try to follow the logical sequence of the game? I heard it was a metroidvania and just wanted to experiment with sequence breaking. Though I really enjoyed that experimentation!

Wonderful game. Dearly hope that we will get the full release outside of steam. And I hope there's no map either, because getting lost was really fun! Though I do hope there is an inventory screen. I keep going back to the four places I know there used to be a gold key to make sure that I did collect them and they're not there. But maybe I'm just misremembering and one of them was actually a normal key? For someone like me, it would really help to have an inventory screen to confirm how many gold keys I have! Though I do appreciate that my experience might be a minority one... >,>

Thank you dearly for making this wonderful game. I eagerly look forward to replaying whether that's the full verison or simply revisiting this delightful jam version.

(1 edit) (+2)

Please I am actually begging you please can you release the extended version on GOG or something I want to buy it so bad I would even buy it if you upped the price

(1 edit) (+1)

I did a map of the full release if anyone's interested.


It's really handy if getting lost frustrates you lol.

What Game Engine did you use?

Unreal Engine 5, it seems


Played the steam game and thought you deserved more than six bucks so I bought this for five bucks too!

I love the movement and the sequence break potential. I hope you make more games like this in the future.


Got this game on Steam; loads of fun for the short play time. :D

Would have loved to got this on GOG as steam is becoming less favorable with everyone chanting the mantra 'YOU OWN NOTHING' and Steam enforcing that sh*t.
If a sequel is made, can't wait. :D

If this is made for a Co-Op for fun, really can't wait. 8D


came to the comments specifically to beg for a GOG release, relieving to see im not alone 😭


Or, alternatively/additionally, an Itch.io release!

 prefer to try and support Gog though I will purchase the Itch.io release later.

(2 edits) (+1)

Itch is DRM-free and by default offers developers a better revenue sharing split than Steam/GoG/Epic, so it's always my personal favorite, but hey, I definitely wouldn't turn down a GoG release either, haha

Played this with my friend. Enjoyed it very much. 

We made a video on it if anyone's interested. 

please ignore the thumbnail it does not represent our views (that much)


Hands down my favorite game this year. 


very good character movement

my only gripe is the ui, which you can barely read on lower resolution


Looking forward to the Steam release! I think the only thing I can add right now is that the gray floor and walls is making the main character blend into the environment too much due to her gray fur, maybe making the floor and walls a few shades darker could fix that? Anyways I'm definitely purchasing this Day One and I'm looking forward to your future releases!


this was so fun! amazing work

Deleted 1 year ago

I had this same problem. :o Collected four gold keys and door with four keyholes isn't opening.

Were you ever able to open the silly old thing? I don't know if others are having this experience.

If nothing else, I will simply replay it again when I feel it or if the full version releases outside of steam. And then if the door opens, it opens. If it doens't, it doesn't.

Deleted 32 days ago

Perchance, you are not taking about the door at the bottom that lets you into the tower, are you? I meant the door at the top! That wants four gold keys! I already climbed to the top. There's no more inner part of the tower for me to explore.

Sorry if this has just been a funny miscommunication. Alla jbierek.

Deleted 32 days ago

I believe I know what you mean but also I don't know if we're supposed to keep these comments spoiler free?

But yes, I've done both of those. Even went back and double checked to see if I missed anything.

Either I've hit a glitch or I really have just missed something obvious. Either way, I'll be more likely to catch it on my next playthrough. And I enjoyed this game enough that I'm certain I will want to replay it.


I ended up making it really hard for myself since I went to the Tower Remains after getting everything else lol. Lets just say I had to get very familiar with the kick move.

Also managed to get through the dark room at the start instead of the main path, really cool how this lets players do that.

Great Game, or Demo? since this is being expanded on. Really like the movement, I can already see the kinds of challenge runs the game will probably end up having.

(Also the first part was a compliment lol, I really like challenge runs)

(1 edit)

This mini-metroidvania is just lovely, I can hardly believe it was made in the span of a month. (This is an abridged version of a longer review I left on the game)
The evolution of the moveset here is wonderful; fairly straightforward jumps evolve into blissfully fluid displays of momentum. It's got some pain points pointed out by others already-- namely the tricky wall kick sections that in retrospect were likely intended for the wallrun-- but the simple act of moving around is still such a joy.

The world is big, impressively so, though it was easy to get lost, mostly due to some samey looking areas and the lack of a map. However the presentation overall is gorgeous: the cute player character and their choppy animations, delightfully blurry texturework, crunchy sounds and hauntingly beautiful music were all very reminiscent of the era. The N64 inspirations absolutely shine through. 

It can be a lil rough around the edges, but it's very impressive for what it is, and the time it took to make it. I understand there are plans to finish things off with a steam release, so I very much look forward to that!!

The devs have made something very special here. To me it's obvious that they've got a ton of potential for great things.

Beautiful game, saw it on twitter during my exam period and played it soon when I was finally free. I love how this game encourages learning the intricacies of each ability and I love how each ability is applicable to any environment if you know how to use it. Wishlisted on steam, can't want for the extended release - whatever it entails!

good game, god tier ost, clearly visible why it won


fuck, this game was amazing!!

if you are preparing a steam release: please note that one of the golden keys (the most dificult one) can be obtained without wall cling.

FUCK THAT WAS INTENSE. I didnt know cling was a thing and obtained everything without it, and it was much harder than it needed to be hahaha.


thik buny


buny got a dumpy

Air Kick walljumps go crazy, this game feels great!

(1 edit) (+2)

Game was really fun; quite good for a game put together so quickly. With one exception, the movement felt great. Whoever tuned the slide jump, especially, is a genius.

I'll echo others' comments, though: the wall jump is clunky. But it's also powerful, too—most areas that seem made for wall ride, I initially did with wall jumps instead. Heck, maybe this is a part of /why/ a lot of us are finding wall jump clunky; a good amount of us are probably using it in places where it can technically work, but another form of mobility would've worked better. For example, I got through a large amount of the Gold Key unlock path in Sansa Keep using only the wall jump and didn't even think to look for another powerup until that area unlocked by the switch behind the knight seemed impossible—or at least even harder than everything already was. So I was pretty unfairly frustrated with the wall jump around that point LOL

I wouldn't say walljump being so strong is bad, though; that depends on your design philosophy. It does open up routing a lot if wall kick can fill in for other powerups in this way, and I do personally consider that a net benefit. I wouldn't even be opposed to seeing you lean into it more than you already have, really.

All that said, if you were to only take one thing away from my comment, I would want it to be that I quite enjoyed this game, and I really look forward to seeing what you all can do when you're not under such harsh constraints. Thank you so much for making it!

I haven't beat it yet but this is really friggin cool, look forward to more


very gender, very pog


fantastic game!! i loved playing though it, the movement is so satisfying! crazy good job for being done in three weeks, i'd love to see what y'all are capable with no time limit!!


Super fun little game, the movement options were very cool after unlocking a few of them. Also, thank you for a fast ledge grab animation!

I never did figure out what one of the collectibles did (not the ones that increase your health). Increase your damage?

Also, for the life of me I could not find the other key in the second area. There are 2 locked doors but I could only open one of them.

when I got the staff and used it the character would just run in a direction and it would stop capturing my cursor and accepting mouse inputs. switched to controller and character would just run in a different direction and I couldn't control movement. dang, wanted to play this one, anyone got a fix or is my personalized copy of pseudoregalia cursed?

pls read the description! it will be fixed properly this week, however.


The speedrun's had over 10 minutes shaved off since I last posted. Love it when a community comes together.


very fun! the movement is very satisfying and the various moves build on each other in very satisfying ways, and unlocking them one by one really gives you space to learn each one. the potential to unlock them in different orders also makes the playthrough feel very personal! the wall kick feels almost too powerful at times, notably in the room where you're supposed to get the ground slam you can actually escape with the wall kick instead which lead me to missing the breakable wall and getting stuck for a while... maybe adding a lip around the room could prevent this. overall love the liminal retro vibes <3


When you get the wall kick, the trick is to kick early


Fantastic game! Looks and feels great to control. I would love a sequel or expansion that added more areas, moves, enemies, etc


Great game! Only question I have is does the wall on the way to the bright soul (climbing the pole like about halfway) eventually open? I think I found everything else and glad I played it.


no i was just being a little silly putting the texture there :(

(1 edit) (+1)

This turned out amazing for 3 weeks of work! Super impressed by the art, atmosphere, level design, the flow of the movement, and the music/sfx too. I would love to see this get fleshed out into something bigger.

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