A downloadable game for Windows

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When reality feels like it's falling apart, one might retreat to a world in their dreams to escape it.

Unfortunately, dreams aren't made to last.

Explore a perverse image of noble living. Grow strong, and free those trapped within this rotten dream.

A game originally made for the Metroidvania Month 19 game jam, this extended edition brings new areas, enemies, story, and a visual overhaul, all while retaining the original dreamlike atmosphere.

Game Features

  • Classic metroidvania action in 3D! Find your own way through Castle Sansa with open ended level design.
  • Unique platforming gameplay! Abilities such as the air kick let you tackle problems how you see fit, with a blend of tight challenges and smooth exploration.
  • Face a litany of foes! Combat is light and keeps movement at its core.
  • Retro inspiration! Experience a visual and audio aesthetic inspired by 5th-gen consoles, with modern gameplay refinements.
  • A satisfying bite size experience! Pseudoregalia manages to give you a condensed but full metroidvania playthrough in just a few hours, but is highly replayable with different routes to take!

Programming, Animation, 3d Modeling- rittz level design- rittz, hymynameismatt 
enemy designs- technicolor-yawn, rittz
textures- rittz, matt
music- potatoteto, pluswplus, still crisp

sounds- potatoteto & various internet sources

You can buy the ost here, and support the composers directly!


A controller is supported an recommended! If it doesn't work, try replugging it, or maybe running the game thru steam.

Rated 4.9 out of 5 stars
(122 total ratings)
Tags3D Platformer, Fantasy, Metroidvania, Parkour


Buy Now$5.99 USD or more

In order to download this game you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $5.99 USD. You will get access to the following files:

pseudoregalia_1.272.7z 263 MB
pseudoregalia_preMapPatch.zip 291 MB

Development log


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i bought the game on steam and i absolutelt loved it, i must say the game is a vibe and the people who worked on the ost did a great job.

Rittzler i'm very grateful to bring this game into the world, it is truly a gem in terms of indie games.

just one suggestion if you could consider it is achievement on steam that helps keep progress of what your next focus should be since i must say that i got pretty lost (a lot) but still managed to finish it in 10 hours i guess. 

I really like the aesthetics of the game. Really interesting. It looks like an excellent game.

Owned and beaten 3 times through Steam. Rittz absolutely cooked with this. Easiest 10/10 I could give to an indie.


an absolute masterpiece

Is there a way to pay with card instead of PayPal?

Just downloaded it, got an error saying "The following component(s) are required to run this program: DirectX Runtime." Still getting that error after downloading the latest version of DirectX Runtime. Running the downloaded application through Steam didn't work either. Do I need a previous version of DirectX? Or is there some other fix?

I wish I could play it with a Gamecube controller. T_T 

Use joytokey. If using an og/Wii GameCube controller you'll need an adapter. But newer Blutooth and USB gamecube controllers might even work without joytokey.

The game is very fun so far but the button remapping not working half of the time is pretty annoying.


Its sooo goooooooooooooooood   

Found it completely randomly through some comment elsewhere and loved every second of it. The movement alone is super fun, but the whole atmosphere make it something special.

(2 edits)

One of the best 3D platformers I've played so far, the gameplay and movement are amazing, I love the retro 3D looking and the musics. It's better to not be afraid of getting lost, though, the levels are huge and it can be hard to find your way even with the map. This is a great game.

(3 edits) (+3)

Game runs perfectly on the steam deck through the latest Proton version, downloaded it through the NonSteamLaunchers Itch.io launcher, game is a solid 9.7/10!

Sidenote: I'm really glad you can turn off the retro animations and resolution in the Graphic settings, I much prefer the 1080p and smooth animations look.


Hello , will you add a complete keybind menu in the game ? since I don't use WASD but ZQSD I can't rebind the controls and it makes the game less enjoyable


Hi, you use ZQSD because you have an AZERTY-based keyboard, right? While I also think complete keybinding is important for PC gaming, in the meantime you could try changing your input language, if you google something like "changing keyboard language windows 10 (or your preferred op. system)" you'll find a quick tutorial, be it an article or a video. 

As a Hungarian, the keyboards we use have the Z and Y buttons flipped compared to English\American keyboard, so this little trick has helped me out countless times when playing games found here on itch.io.

I would really prefer to change the settings in the game while keeping my PC normal


Obviously you would, but as they said, "...in the meantime, you could try..." it's an option for playing until such a thing is implemented or confirmed not to be changed.

(1 edit) (+4)(-2)

Could you update the game to support framerates higher than 144? Specifically can you lift it to 540? Also thank you for making my favourite game. It's honestly amazing.


The games movement has to be the best I’ve ever experienced in a game. Everything flows amazingly, everything links well, and it doesn’t seem to pad your inputs too much to make it work. Seriously blew me away, I don’t feel like I can ever go back to a game with limited movement (my hands were hating me playing any other game because it just didn’t feel as good).

The one aspect I feel the need to comment on is the controller support: I had issues with it keeping my layout within game, and often I couldn’t exit the menu without opening it again to find a different layout. It seemed as if keyboard input could also be input by the controller. If there was an option for controller exclusive inputs it’d go a long way.

I love this game, and enjoy playing the hell out of it, but it won’t let me launch it fully anymore despite my drivers being up to date

Bought it on Steam: would re-buy it here (felt bad for getting on sale lol) but PayPal hates me. Would play more.

Bought It on steam, Beautiful game. Had a lot of fun

Great movement, very stylish, love the music, love the look. Bought it on Steam. Very inspiring.

My controller isn't working anymore. I have been using a PS4 controller through DS4 and it has worked perfectly, however, it randomly stopped sensing my controller inputs. The controller works on every other game and there's nothing wrong with the program. Does anyone know a solution?


I can't thank you enough for making this game. it just clicked every button i needed to push, and all the movement system flow together soo well. i dunno how you created a chemistry so elegant, but it works. 

i have some minor complaints, like that maybe more time could've been spent hyping up a little bit the final boss, maybe more notes scattered around, a bit of lore on the textless graves we can find hidden around, some paintings. i don't know how to make it, but i felt quite disconnected from the context and the story.
sure, it wasn't the focus, but it has its importance. 

also, i thin kthe ability to at least teleport to the last checkpoint might be useful and prevent some form of softblocking. at a point i managed to bullshit my way through almost all the wall-slide section without having it; i was enjoying the challenge, but if i wanted to go back to try a different path and to wait for the power up, it would've been quite the pain in the ass.

other than that, thanks a lot, i love this game and can't wait for what you'll do next!

....and yes, of course, goat mommy crush me between your tighs.

I am trying to play newly updated game through the Itch app, the game will download but it wont play through the app.

(1 edit)

Ok recently got the game and having fun with it just got to Strong eyes. But I do have some minor complaints. I wish the lock on stuck unless you hit the button again, and I can't re bind keys for my gamepad as when I try to make R1 attack for example it switches the menu window. Hope this can be fixed soon. For now I'll make do with the default controls. Thank you very much for this game hope we can se Sybil in a sequel soon!
Edit: Apparently looking at Steam others are having controller issues too not just me. I know you're working on a fix so I'll wait patiently. What's gotten me a bit miffed is my brother can rebind keys and adjust the game window size just fine whereas I can not for some reason. Ugh, technology is great up until it decides not to work for no reason. I'm not pinning that on you just venting my frustration nothing more.


id let the goat mommy step on me 


at the moment played with a friend (when I'll have the chance I'll buy for my self)
one of the BEEEEEEEEEEEST platformer metroidvania 3D out there!!
damn good, keep it up dude/dudes


I haven't bought the game yet but I wanted to know where do I get mods for this game? I think I saw some on Nexus but wanted to ask in case there were other sites. Thanks in advance.

(1 edit) (+2)

Is this playable with gamepad? Any keyboard rebindings available? Does it run on Linux?


It runs just fine on my linux machine, and yeah, I definitely recommend playing with a gamepad

(2 edits) (+2)

Hi, can't run the game. I get an error saying:

The following component(s) are required to run this program:
Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime.

No required version is specified in the error message. What are the requirements?

Edit: This may be relevant: https://www.reddit.com/r/unrealengine/comments/1451prs/players_have_to_download_... 

The comments suggest some Unreal Engine settings that bundle the requirements

Edit: Installed the latest redistributable from MS, and now I get a different error - procedure entry point CreateFile2 could not be located in KERNEL32.dll. I assume this is because I'm on Windows 7, and this function was added somewhere later on. Any chance of a compatibility build for Windows 7?


Finally made an itch account just to give this game praise. Pseudoregalia let me relive the feeling I had playing the OG 3D Zeldas for the first time when I was very young. I think I had been looking for an experience like that when BOTW and TOTK came out, but those never even got close to scratching the itch.  Thank you so much for making this wonderful game, and PLEASE feel free to make a sequel one day, since it is clear that you are going somewhere with game design talents like this.


Yes. For me it scratched that itch from Mario 64. No other game had platforming that felt as innovative as that. The Exploration was really nice like the 3D Zeldas as you said. That sense of mystery and wonder hasn't been the same in any other game. The low poly graphics makes you wonder what really is outside of this game realm. Like the constraints of smaller levels and n64 style graphics really gives that feeling that is impossible outside of that. The dark, horror-esque, vibes reminded me of the dungeons from early 3D Zelda games in the best way.


Could you possibly compile a version of this game for Linux? This game is really cool and I would love to run it natively on my laptop!

bought it on steam recently, man i freakin hate metroidvania but dang this game slaps, keep doin stuff like this dude


Why would anyone hate metroidvanias? It's my favorite genre

(1 edit)

Idk, its like personal, i doesnt really like to roam around giant ass locations without a map(wich was added yesterday), and i think that psudo is a bit laking of fight, like cmon, there is only 2 bosses, but still, its a very good game, and holy dang, Empty Bailey ost is a goat 


I know Itch supports giving Steam keys with game purchases; does Pseudoregalia come with a Steam key or is it just the standard download?


So, I ran into an issue where it says I need DirectX Runtime when I try to launch it through the itch client. If I go into the folder and run the exe directly as an admin, it manages to work, but keeps freezing at various points (beginning cutscene, hitting things with the dream breaker, etc.). I like the way the game feels to play (the bit I can play) but I otherwise can't make any progress like this.

any plans to add card payment


I'm gonna sound super duper picky here. But is there anyway you could compile the game for ARM64 on windows? This game is amazing, and I'd really like to play it on my snapdragon laptop.


Hello, would you add the possibility of changing the keyboard keys?

(2 edits) (+2)

Having problems trying to install the game via the itch.io client.
Error message: "Cannot read properly of undefined"

I guess ill just download from the website.

EDIT (Nov 1st 2023): Problem Seems to be fixed now on windows!


Yep, the game isn't marked as being compatible with Windows, so the Itch client doesn't think there are any files available to install that are compatible with your OS.

It's an easy thing to fix from the developer side (edit game -> uploads -> tick the Windows checkbox next to pseudoregalia_1.041.zip), but it's also super easy to forget to do that.

Any way to transfer the save from the Game Jam version? I just played through that and got to the final door, want to play the full version now but I don't wanna do all the exploration and stuff again especially if the majority of the game is the same

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